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Hình toàn cảnh khách Sạn

IMG 2880

Album Ảnh Khách Sạn



2-DELUXE: The room is airy, cool, clean, safe, quiet, fully furnished, 2 star standard.


+ 2 beds for 4 people. Price 900,000 VND. Can add extra bed

+ Security 24/7

+ 2 Air-conditioners (adjust the temperature according to your preference)

+ Hot and cold water (always full, even when it rains continuously)

+ International multi-channel cable TV

+ High speed Wifi.

+ Refrigerator.

+ Wall mounted fan.

+ Telephone.

 + Panoramic window.

Thương Gia Chợ Lớn Hotel

Địa chỉ: 121-121A Phạm Phú Thứ

Phường 3 Q6 Tp Hồ Chí Minh

Điện thoại : 028.3854.2367 (Lễ tân)

Hotline : 0903.302048



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